Lisa Raitt Presents Flag to Tiger Jeet Singh

February 15, 2015

MILTON, ONTARIO. Today, on behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Lisa Raitt presented Tiger Jeet Singh with a commemorative Canadian flag in recognition of his outstanding contributions to our community and to Canada.

“Today marks the 50th anniversary celebration of the Canadian flag, our most sacred symbol that represents our identity, culture and beliefs,” said Lisa Raitt, Member of Parliament for Halton. “As part of commemorating this occasion, the Prime Minister has commissioned 50 flags to be awarded to individuals across the country who best embody our shared Canadian identity.”

Tiger Jeet Singh was nominated not only for his accomplishments in sport, rather, as well as his vast humanitarian and philanthropic activities. As a founder of the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation, he raises awareness and funds to support hospitals and schools in the region. Raitt made the presentation on behalf of the Prime Minister to Singh on Flag Day in front of the school in Milton that bears his name.

“Though made famous through one of the toughest sports, he remains most gracious, charitable and humble in his heart,” continued Raitt. “On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, I am pleased to present you with this flag that represents the spirit of our nation, on that is proud, strong and free.”

For more information on the other Canadians receiving a flag please visit:

Author: Lisa Raitt